There’s more than “Safe Travels”

So I’m going to let you all in a big pet peeve of mine... and it’s one that I deal with A LOT because I’m on the road A LOT!

You know the French say “Bon Voyage” (literally a good journey), and the Germans say “Gute Reise” (good travel) and the Italians say “Buon Viaggio”, in Spanish it’s “Buen viaje”, the Dutch say “Geode Reid” and in Arabic you say “rihlah sa’īdah” (successful journey). You know what none of these countries say.... “safe travels”.

But you know what I hear probably at least 100 times a week? “Have a safe trip”. “Safe travels”. “Travel safely” or some version of this.

And quite frankly, it has really grinds my gears.

I hate the sentiment it conveys... that somehow this world is dangerous and scary and that going out in it requires an extra level of protection. I like how other cultures tend to convey that you are on a journey, and that it should be fun, or good, or successful, or prosperous. But whatever it is, it is something positive.

Because to me, that is truly what travel is — something positive and admirable that should be celebrated.

It isn’t something to be scared of or to protect yourself from. And the world isn’t this big, bad place that you always need “safety” from once you enter it.

People are generally well-intentioned and nice. Food is typically lovely and not poisonous. And flights and cars and buses are usually all safe.

Whenever someone tells me “safe travels”, I end up thinking.... “like I have any control over the pilot?” or the myriad of things that could make me “unsafe”. I usually have a quick thought about how the statistics in their city show that staying home is often more unsafe than traveling.

But you know what I can control?

I can control how I enter the world and what type of energy I use to greet people and go out and leave my mark on a place. And I always try my best to make that vibe a positive one.

So in the future, if you see me posting pics or chat with my on the phone before a flight, or see me in some random city, can you please wish me “happy trails” or “fun travels” or “bon Voyage” or something that says you wish me something more than the banality of safety?

And you can be sure that I’ll be wishing you the same wherever your voyages take you!!


Travel advisors are useful for good times… and in bad.


A big milestone